The ONLY Way to Cure Candida for Good – Dr. Eric Berg DC
Candida is a type of yeast or fungus. It’s normal to have some amount of candida living on your body. Problems don’t occur until candida starts to overgrow.
Bacteria keep candida under control. If you don’t have enough friendly bacteria, candida can start to overgrow. The biggest cause of candida overgrowth is antibiotics. Antibiotics wipe out good bacteria, leaving you with nothing to counter candida.
Candida overgrowth symptoms:
1. Cravings for sugar and carbs
2. Itchiness
3. A white tongue
4. Fatigue
5. A UTI (urinary tract infection)
6. Bloating and digestive issues
7. Sinus congestion
8. Skin issues
9. Achy joints
10. Ammonia breath
Candida hates living in an acidic environment and thrives in an alkaline environment. When you kill your microbes, your pH changes, and you become more alkaline.
Candida lives on sugar, and when it eats sugar, it creates ammonia. Ammonia is also alkaline. This creates a fantastic environment for candida to thrive. MORE
How to Treat Candida in 6 Steps | Dr. Josh Axe
In this video, I share the exact diet, treatment, and supplements you need to help clear candida from your body. Candida is the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your body and includes symptoms like fatigue, leaky gut, yeast infections, cold & flu, digestive issues, bad breath, or a sluggish metabolism.
6 Steps to Treat Candida:
1. Stop consuming so much sugar (especially processed sugar)
2. Eliminate grains from your diet
3. Support your spleen
4. Support your liver
5. Support your intestines
6. Take a probiotic supplement
Bonus: I’d recommend an anti-fungal like an oil of oregano or grapeseed extract for a maximum 10-14 day period and stay away from cold foods. If you follow these 6 steps, you should see great results in eliminating candida from your body.