What if you could significantly improve your health with a cheap, one-minute morning ritual? The only flipside…you’ll probably end up making some funny, puckered-up faces as a result. Are you game?
The Pucker Powered Morning Elixir:
Apple cider vinegar has long been touted by nutritionists, doctors and health experts worldwide for many years. Why? Because it benefits the human body in wide variety of ways. Whether it’s enriching and beautifying your hair…or searching for a new healthy way of attacking lingering allergies…or even promoting a healthier digestive system, apple cider vinegar benefits overall human health naturally and cost effectively.
Since apple cider vinegar is fairly acidic and sour in taste, here are two recommendations:
- It should NOT be ingested undiluted by swigging it straight from the bottle.
- Instead…mix two teaspoons with a cup of water and drink with a straw. Straw? …it prevent the apple cider vinegar’s acid from wearing away at your tooth enamel. Make sure to place the straw’s end far back on your tongue to prevent contact with your bottom teeth.
How Apple Cider Vinegar Boosts Your Health:
Huge amounts of evidence of apple cider vinegar’s amazing health benefits continually manifest. This pungent, orange-hued liquid is rife with amino acids along with antiseptic, acetic and lactic acid. In layman’s terms, apple cider vinegar will destroy harmful yeasts and bacteria in your gut. Additional benefits of apple cider vinegar consumption include the following:
By stimulating healthy bacteria production in the digestive track while spiking energy and balancing one’s pH level…Apple cider vinegar promotes a more balanced pH level that makes you more capable of combating sickness. It also tends to clean out the lymphatic system and break apart mucus buildup, according to several studies. The benefit? …your body is better capable of retaining water and warding off swelling as well as congestion. It is also important to note that the presence of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar ameliorates the release of iron from food during the digestive process. This increase in iron absorption allows the body to make better use of oxygen, which consequently causes more energy to be consumed and ultimately results in weight loss.
Why Morning Apple Cider Vinegar So Important?:
It suppresses appetite…combats cravings and prevents over-eating. It’s all about the acetic acid and pectin fiber…almost like magic!