Understanding Shoulder Pain Symptoms & Treatment
The shoulder is probably the most common, non-spinal joint we treat at First Chiropractic clinic.
The new research on shoulder pain is absolutely astounding. We are learning that the majority of the old school treatments not only did not provide patients with any benefits, chances are they made the condition worse. So it is imperative that you consult with someone who is up on top of the new shoulder research regarding diagnosis and rehabilitation.
“…the majority of the old school treatments not only did not provide patients with any benefits, chances are they made the condition worse.” – Dr. Sam Nijmeh D.C.
The usual shoulder pain patient complains of chronic, deep dull pain in or around the shoulder joint, with increase in pain level on specific motions.
The motions that trigger the pain are commonly lateral lifting of the involved arm or activities above the shoulder level.
The Typical Differential Diagnoses That Must Be Ruled Out On The First Evaluation:
- Rotator cuff Injury
- Tendinopathy
- Tear of the tendon (categorized as a Grade One to Three tear)
- Chronic inflammation of the tendon
- Adhesive Capsulitis of the shoulder. This is a fascinating disease—the recent research connects this shoulder pain with menopause and hormonal imbalance. In Japanese culture this condition is nicknamed the “50’s Shoulder”.
- Labral tear of the shoulder
- Arthritis of the shoulder
- Bursitis
- Acromioclavicular joint involvement
- Scapular dysfunction
- Frozen shoulder
- Referred pain (gall bladder diseases pain may cause right shoulder pain)
These are some of the common differential diagnosis that a good clinician should consider during shoulder pain evaluation.
A good evaluation takes about 30 minutes and requires a detailed history of any trauma or chronic stress on the shoulder, such as work injuries or sport activities. Orthopedic tests provide useful information to test the integrity of different shoulder tissues, such as tendons, labral, muscles, cartilage and etc. X-ray films are needed to determine the presence of arthritis or more severe degenerative or destructive diseases (tumors).
If Dr. Nijmeh needs to rule out tendon tears, bone diseases, or more severe diseases, he may order an MRI and request a more detailed evaluation of your condition. At this point, you will be provided with a clear plan of treatment.
A usual shoulder pain treatment rehabilitation at our office takes about 6-8 weeks and requires the patient to do home shoulder pain exercises. Dr. Nijmeh will use multiple chiropractic adjustment techniques to mobilize and facilitate the shoulder recovery.
Dr. Nijmeh has been successful in helping many patients avoid unnecessary shoulder surgeries and cortisone shot injections. If you or anyone you know is suffering from shoulder pain…call First Chiropractic for an immediate evaluation of the condition.
I look forward to helping you get relief from your shoulder pain.
Dr. Sam Nijmeh D.C.